Adding a show or event
Records of shows and events are made as posts (and may contain a description of the show, or archival material from it) are grouped as either Current or Archive on the website. Alternatively the parent Project page itself collects all projects, past and present, into one list. When you add a one of these posts, you don’t need to edit the Project, Current or Archive pages. These are collecting points for the individual show or event posts you make. When a project post is chosen from the list on one of these pages, you are taken to a separate page specific to that show or event – this is what you are about to create below. If in doubt, find an old project post and click edit, and see how it’s put together in the Admin view!
Projects also appear automatically as a list down the side of the News page as well. (Click on the title to read the item on a separate page.)
Helpful suggestion: write your text, or an initial draft, first and get that in before you start styling it and adding media.
Adding a project post
Either go to Post in the Admin area left menu, and click on Add New, or if you’re at the front of the site, hover over + New button in the grey Admin bar and select Post.
Give your post a title (the name of the project, followed by the year, is good) in the top box, and then type in your content! Read how to edit and styling options for how to make your content look good.
Right column image
Each project post has a key image, like an ID badge, that can be assigned and will then appear in the right hand column. This image is also used as a thumbnail when the projects are listed together.
To choose a key image, look for the Featured Image box in the right hand of the Admin area, and click Set featured image. You will be presented with the gallery view, where you can choose one (or upload a new one and choose that) and then click the blue Set featured image button at the bottom.
If you haven’t set a featured image for a project, nothing will show in the right hand column and the thumbnail will appear as a grey square when it is used in lists.
Add in the content
Show pages usually have some explanatory text. You can include images or videos or other material related to the show. Use a Heading 2 style to make a title of PRODUCTION GALLERY (or something else but it ought to be consistent whenever they appear) before inserting a gallery of production images. (See help pages on styling text, uploading and using images, galleries in the Help menu above.)
Categorise it
Once you have created your content, you must go to the Categories box to the right hand side and tick either ‘Current projects’ or ‘Archive projects’. You will need to make the decision to change a project from current to archive (by editing the page at a later date), WordPress will not do it automatically. If you don’t tick a box then your post won’t appear on the website.
Final publishing
When you are finished, click the blue Publish button in the top right hand box – and you’re done. If you are making a Project post retrospectively, set the date to approximately when the project occurs. This date is never displayed explicitly but will locate the timing of the project relative to others at the right place in a list of projects.
NOTE: You can press Save draft instead and come back to the post to finish later – it will show in the list of posts but not on the main site – or publish it but set it to Visibility to ‘Private’ until you are happy with it. Anything to do with who views your post and when is in this top Publish box.